Can You Feel the Love Tonight

Wednesday 9 May 2012

My Kare 2

マイカレ2~My boyfriend~ 上総友和 
[上総友和:CV. KENN]

マイカレ2~My boyfriend~ 榎本甲斐
wataru Hatano

マイカレ2~My boyfriend~ 和泉祥英

suwabe Junichi

マイカレ2~My boyfriend~ 加賀いつき

Morikubo shōtarō

マイカレ2~My boyfriend~ 周防 要
 [周防 要:立花慎之介] 
Tachibana shin'nosuke

マイカレ2~My boyfriend~ 美作千尋

Toshiyuki Toyonaga 


  1. Oh どうもありがとうございます!(o ̄∇ ̄)/ I've been searching like crazy for this myself but with no greater luck since I'm here and all ^___^* Hehe~
    I absolutely love your blog(or what should I call it? ;3) so please keep doing your great job with it! <3 *hugs*

    ☆ Zerorin

  2. Thank you for sharing!
    But the one with Tachibana shin'osuke is wrong. It's the same CD like the one from suwabe junichi...

    1. Actually, all files are correct.. It's just that the names are mixed up. If you check the CV: on the cover, you'll see who its seiyuu is. :)


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